The Holy Innocents, January 1, 2023
Please join us for online worship services. Click on the links to experience and read the Service Bulletin with Scriptures for the day, the Sermon, News Notes, etc. on our website.
Click each bullet link to view:
More Information
If you are unable to receive communion at worship due to health concerns, please let our pastors or the church office know, so we can make other arrangements.
Click each bullet link to view:
Proposed Land Sale:
The Annual Meeting will include a motion to sell a vacant city lot, owned by the church, which is three doors east of the church. Congregational approval to sell is required. The church council has endorsed approval to sell if an acceptable price is received. Funds generated by the sale would be used to support the Accessibility Project. Estimated value of the lot is between $75,000 and $100,000. Informational sessions to review details and answer questions are scheduled as follows:
• Saturday, January 7th following Saturday evening worship.
• Sunday, January 8th following 8:15 worship.
• Sunday, January 8th following contemporary worship.
• Sunday, January 15th during the Sunday School hour in the overflow.
• Sunday, January 15th following 11:00 traditional worship.