Ministry Networks by Categories

Adult Discipleship Network

Promise Keepers Study Group

…is committed to men encouraging other men to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Meets every Thursday morning in Pastor Seth’s office.

Small Groups

is a way for people in the congregation come to know and care for one another at a significant and intimate level. Each meeting includes a time of fellowship, bible study and prayer.

Women’s Circles

This group provides a means for women to grow in their spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ through Biblical teaching, prayer, Bible study and fellowship.

Meets once a month.

Women’s Retreats

are a special time away from our normal activities to spend time getting reacquainted with God, to examine the priorities of life and to make concrete and practical resolutions for improvement.

It’s about making space for peaceful reflection, listening for guidance, and setting intentions for how you want to show up in the world while connecting with our sisters in Christ on a deeper level.

Communication & Technology

  • Eagle Mailing
  • Local Media Content
  • Office Assistants
  • Technology Team

Education Network

Library Assistants

…are committed to providing access to a collection of Christian resources to help people mature in their faith.  The Church librarians are responsible for purchasing, organizing, maintaining, and promoting the collections.


…The Catechism contains the teachings Martin Luther originally provided to parents to teach their children about the Lutheran faith.  Confirmation is the two years that students, typically in the 7th and 8th grade, take to investigate the faith given to them at their baptism.

This is currently being taught on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour by Pastor Seth.

Confirmation Advances

…are offered to give confirmation students the opportunity to advance their faith. 

The First Year Advance covers Baptism. 

The Second-Year advance prepares students for their Faith Celebration and Rite of Confirmation.

Confirmation Learning Events

…are offered throughout the confirmation experience.  Learning events cover parts of the small catechism, including:  The Ten Commandments, Holy Communion, Apostles Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer.

Sunday School

Christian educators teaching, giving, directing, and sharing knowledge of Jesus Christ to children, youth, and adults for their edification and fulfillment, to be servants and “Lights” of God, through Jesus Christ.

Sunday School takes place on Sunday morning from 9:30 am – 10:30 am all throughout our building.

Vacation Bible School

The purpose of our Vacation Bible School (VBS) is to provide an opportunity for our church family and community to learn about the awesome God we serve and our Christian faith during a fun-filled, spirit-filled and spirit-lead ministry that touches the hearts and lives of children each summer.

This event typically takes place in June on a Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am – noon.

Middle School Trot thru the Bible

meets on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour.  Middle school students will “trot” through the bible in two years.  Each week students learn a bible point and meet in small groups to discuss and apply the bible point to everyday life. 


  • Endowment Team
  • Financial
    • Recorder
    • Team
  • Ministry Fair
  • Volunteer Appreciation


  • Christmas Program
  • Church Picnic
  • Dartball
  • OWLS
  • Veterans Dinner

Member Caregiving


…helps families in need within the Congregation year-round.  All referrals, gifts and dollar amounts are kept strictly confidential.  The leader of this ministry is responsible for working with the Pastors in purchasing gifts, gift certificates, or any other necessary items and preparing them for delivery by the Pastors. Requests for Adopt-A-Family funds are handled by the Pastors.

Bereavement Dinners

This ministry is committed to providing a dinner for the families of any member of St. John’s after the funeral.  Volunteers are asked to cook, serve and offer compassion to the bereaved.

Christmas Kindness

…is a time to deliver homebound communion and some Christmas cheer to our members who are not able to attend worship in person. This typically happens the third Sunday in Advent.

Homebound Communion

…is committed to taking communion to the homebound members of our Congregation. This typically happens the first Sunday of every month.

Homebound Visitation

is committed to visiting and caring for the homebound members of the Congregation. 

Hospital Visitation Team

consists of lay volunteers who assist the pastors in visiting our hospitalized parishioners.  Each volunteer is assigned one day a month.  They focus on sharing the love of Christ with each other in the hopes of bringing peace, support and comfort.

Service of Comfort and Remembrance

…is a special worship service held on the first Sunday of Advent for families who have lost a loved one during the calendar year.  A time of fellowship and support is provided for the families immediately following the service. 

Service / Outreach Network

Arts in the Alley Parade

A group of people who work together to vision, design and assemble a float or walk in the parade to represent our church and recruits’ people to pass out candy during the event.  This event takes place on the 3rd weekend in September.

Bed Brigade

…is a service ministry that provides much needed beds and the hope of Jesus to the Columbus, OH area.  This ministry is based solely off of donations and volunteers and typically meets on Saturday mornings to build and deliver beds at no cost to the recipients.


are women who are committed to supporting local mission work by collecting stamps and soup can labels.  They also sort clothing for the Salvation Army.

Bike Project

is organized and led by youth each December.  Families have the opportunity to help assemble bicycles that are delivered around Christmas to area children in need.  Thrivent members help to sponsor this event.

Cemetery Memorial Day Decorating

…honors all the saints, especially those service men and women who fought in the war. We put flowers on every grave in the St. John’s Cemetery in May. 

Confirmation Service Projects

Throughout confirmation, students are required to do eight different service projects to help them discover their passion for serving and to involve them in the life and mission of the church. 

Food Drives

Members of this team help to raise the awareness of the hunger issues within our church, community and central Ohio area through bulletin and eagle articles.  They also assist with food drives and the local LSS food pantry.


Volunteers are needed to deliver a hot nutritious meal and a smile to homebound seniors in Grove City once a month on Friday’s.

Mission Trips

We partner with the ministry of Genesis Diez to spend a week with children from an orphanage in Mexico and we partner with Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church in Cleveland to spend a week in a remote village of Alaska. Regardless of the mission trip you go on, you’ll remember it for a lifetime as you reach out in love to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Happens once a year in July.

Mitten Tree

…is a youth-led project that takes place during Advent where members can donate new or handmade gloves, hats, and scarves to be given to the families at the Lutheran Social Services Food Pantries. 

Operation Christmas Child

is an outreach ministry to children who live in war-torn or poverty-stricken countries.  Each fall we collect shoeboxes filled with school supplies, hygiene items, and toys.  These boxes are shipped to Samaritan’s Purse who distributes them throughout the world.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

This ministry combines prayer and knitting for the ministry of others including, hospice patients, the elderly, and others who needed a special blessing.  This ministry strives to bring God’s love through the comfort and warmth of handmade items and meets at church on Saturday mornings.


are women who possess sewing skills to make quilts, robes, layettes and pillows for distribution locally and overseas. Tis group meets every Tuesday morning at church.

Red Cross Blood Drives

Volunteers are needed to help with registration and serve light refreshments to donors during blood drives.

Property Care

  • Cemetery Maintenance
  • Church Sign
  • Gardening Angels
  • Playground Maintenance
  • Repair/Fix-it Team

Worship Network

  • Acolytes
  • Alter Team
  • Backpack Blessing
  • Bulletin Chart
  • Celebration Ringers
  • Chancel Choir
  • Children’s Church
  • Church Decorating
  • Communion Assistants
  • Contemporary Worship Team
  • Flower Chart
  • Greeters
  • Lay Readers
  • Men’s Ensemble
  • Nursery
  • Sound System Operators
  • Ushers
  • Women’s Chorale