Building for the Future at St. John’s
We are very excited about the new entrance hall we are adding to the north side of our beautiful church building.
The dedication event for the new entrance is on March 3rd 2024.
Most importantly, the new entrance hall will make our church building much more accessible to people with mobility issues. We have designed it to meet the following needs:
- People with health issues/disabilities will no longer have to go up and down stairs to get to a restroom.
- The restroom will be much closer to the sanctuary.
- The restroom will be close to a main building entrance/exit.
- People with health issues/disabilities will be able to move between the Sanctuary and the Family Life Center without navigating stairs or going outside the building.
- The big restrooms in the Family Life Center will be much more accessible to all members.
- We will have a shared fellowship space for all St. John’s members.
- The fellowship space will be attractive, clean, warm, modern and welcoming.
- The fellowship space will be available for meetings, classes, presentations, special gatherings.
- The new entrance hall will create a positive impression for visitors and guests entering our building for the first time.
- People will be able to enter the church more safely under a sheltering roof.
By the grace of God and the beautiful generosity of our congregation and supporters, we are hoping to complete this major project without incurring any debt. Well done, St. John’s! Praise be to God!