Location: St. John’s Basement Fellowship Hall
Starting in September, our youth ministers, Laurie Pecuch and Diana Imbrock, will be modifying their schedule to focus on ministry for children up through 6th grade.
This summer, we will begin actively searching for a new full-time person to lead our congregation’s youth program for the families of 7-12th graders.
As we look to the future of youth ministry at St. John’s, we need your prayers, help, support, and input!
We will be holding special meetings on the two Sundays of July 30th and August 6th at 6:30 p.m. to talk about your dreams, hopes and visions for ministry to our older children as we move forward.
Input and ideas are needed from as wide a cross-section of our congregation as possible to form a Youth Ministry Plan which will serve our congregation well for years to come. You do not need to have young children involved in our church to be an important and valuable contributor to these meetings. We hope you can come!